Improve Your Smile
Teeth straightening, also called orthodontics, is the act of moving and aligning teeth so the teeth have the correct bite throughout a person’s lifetime.
In addition to aesthetic benefits, teeth straightening contributes to overall dental health and can improve the immune system to fight against tooth decay and bacteria that cause periodontal disease. Invisalign may be performed by many professionals including orthodontists, periodontists, dentists, and dental hygienists.
Invisalign aligners are the most popular tooth straightening system on the market today. They are a non-invasive, custom-made, clear aligner and retainer system.
Invisalign teeth straightening retainers can be worn at night while you sleep and are designed to fit comfortably over each tooth. They can also be taken out for eating, drinking, and tooth brushing, unlike traditional metal braces.
Invisalign aligners are available for both adults and children. There are different tooth-specific aligner systems, such as Invisalign Aligners, Clear Aligners, and Invisalign Premium Aligners. The Clear aligners are the most affordable because they are made of a thin thermoplastic, medical-grade material.
The Invisalign premium aligners are slightly more expensive because of the material and technology used. Patients generally need to wear the aligners for two weeks before switching to the next set of Invisalign trays.
Benefits of Invisalign Teeth Straightening Braces
The benefits of Invisalign are not limited to those who need straightening of their teeth but also those who simply want to have a beautiful smile.
An Invisalign treatment can in most cases correct minor problems with alignment such as tooth gap, overbite, underbite, and crooked teeth.
Once you have consulted with your dentist and determined that Invisalign is the best option for you, the procedure is painless, minimally invasive and there are no risks of tooth loss, as with traditional metal braces.
The dentist who performs the treatment is fully trained and experienced in doing this type of dental work. The only downside of this treatment is that the cost of treatment depends on the degree of correction needed. The cost can be anywhere from six hundred dollars to several thousand dollars depending upon the patient’s condition and the severity of their problem.
The benefits of Invisalign treatment also include the ability to correct tooth malocclusion which means that the tooth is off-center. This is most seen in patients who have overbites or underbites.
Another benefit of Invisalign braces is that they can help improve the patient’s eating habits. Proper chewing is so important to overall health and digestion.
Perhaps one of the biggest benefits of Invisalign is that it can improve the overall oral health of a person. People who previously suffered from bad breath, bad taste in the mouth, or even painful jaw movements can now eat foods without experiencing any of these problems. This includes people who have chronically damaged or crooked teeth, those who wear dentures that don’t fit properly, or those who have underbites. An underbite can make eating difficult, causing one to chew their food incorrectly. An overbite causes the jaw to come inwards, causing pain when chewing, as well as difficulty in biting down.
Invisalign aligners help you maintain and restore your smile, avoid costly dentist visits and dental work and prevent painful and embarrassing oral hygiene problems. You can use Invisalign braces for years without the fear of developing gum disease or experiencing the discomfort of metal brackets around your teeth. Your oral hygiene and confidence can be improved at the same time.
Depending on your dental insurance provider, you may want to inquire about the cost of the Invisalign treatment. However, if your dental insurance company does not cover this kind of treatment, your costs will still be reasonable. You may want to visit your dentist to see if you qualify for the treatment or even get a second opinion. This will help you determine whether you are a good candidate for Invisalign